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The War on Terrorism
The Mistaken Means of Social Change - Part 5


Finally we come to the end of our journey through time and arrive at the present. Our leaders today, as before, continue to advocate a world union of nations built on the model of collectivism. As before, they seek to change the social and political structure of the free world to accommodate that goal. And, once again, we find that we are engaged in a war. This time, it is not against a particular nation. We are told it is a war on terrorism. The burning question that now must be answered is this: Is the war on terrorism a repeat of history? Is it merely a grand deception to intimidate and frighten us into accepting the harsh realities of collectivism - and the continued loss of freedom - as a reasonable price for safety in time of war? In other words, is it yet one more implementation of the Fabian strategy to smash the world to bits in order to remold it nearer to the heart's desire?

Only time will answer that question. We are in the middle of the event, and the facts are still pouring in. We know very little yet compared to what will be known in another few years. In the meantime, each person must answer for himself based on his own level of study and understanding. However, while evaluating the evidence, we need to consider certain facts that are already established. One is that the key figures directing the war on terrorism are members of the Round Table and the Council of Foreign Relations. They are collectivists. They are dedicated to world government based on the model of collectivism. Next, we need to consider that every move they make in this war results in strengthening the power of the United Nations, which is the structure they hope will become the seat of power for their heart's desire.

The strategy of aggravate, facilitate, and insulate is already clear. For several decades, the United States has been confronted by a steady stream of new enemies. We tend to view that record as a failure of foreign policy, but is it really? Perhaps it is not a failure at all. Perhaps a plan is being implemented that is not readily apparent. Perhaps the plan is to create and then aggravate enemies into an attack, to smash the old order of things, to bring about war and destruction as a necessary step toward the creation of a new world order. That, of course, is a preposterous assumption - just as preposterous as suggesting that there were similar hidden agendas behind World Wars I and II.

Since 1945, the United States has had two powerful adversaries: Russia and China. Both of them have been built and sustained by members of the Council on Foreign Relations who dominate American government and business. In more recent times, the U.S. has chosen sides with Israel against the Arab world, even to the extent of supplying military equipment used against Palestinian civilians. Is anyone surprised that those people hate America? At the time of the attack on September 11, the United States had a quarter-million soldiers in 141 countries. Since the end of World War II, the U.S. has launched attacks against Panama, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia, Iraq, Kuwait, Sudan, Haiti, Granada, Afghanistan, and Somalia, supposedly in pursuit of stopping drugs, or defending freedom, or pushing back Communism. In the great majority of cases these objectives have not been achieved. The single most consistent result has been the building of hostility toward America. These countries are the best enemies money can buy.

Have terrorists been facilitated in their attacks? Since the end of World War II, under the leadership of members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the United States has terminated all of its internal-security agencies. Everything from the House Committee on Un-American Activities, to the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, to the anti-subversion agencies of local police departments; they have all been wiped away. We have opened our boarders to security risks from around the world. People come in from countries that we know are hostile to us, and we make it easy for them to do so.


I n the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, we know now that there were at least four bombs and two teams at work. All we hear about in the media is the one truck bomb detonated in the street; but, according to the testimony of Brigadier General Benton Partin, a military explosive expert, there is no possibility that a fertilizer bomb on the street could have brought that building down. There was a second demolition team that apparently had security clearance to get into the building and was able to strap high-impact explosives around the sustaining pillars, and that is what caused the building to collapse. There was at least one more bomb that did not go off as planned, and it was removed and de-fused by the local bomb squad. This was reported live on Oklahoma City television stations as it happened, and it is fortunate that we have a video copy of those reports because, after the FBI arrived on the scene and took charge of media information, no more mention was ever made of the other bombs. Had this additional bomb been detonated as planned, it is possible that the entire building would have fallen, exactly as with the World Trade Towers several years later.

The FBI had undercover agents working inside many of the terrorist organizations and knew almost everything they did or planned to do. Carol Howe was one of them. She had posed as a loyal member of what was called W.A.R., the White Aryan Resistance, which was a white supremacist organization linked to neo-Nazis and the KKK. Timothy McVeigh, who was convicted and executed for his role in the bombing of the Murrah Building, was a close friend of Andreas Strassmeir, who was one of the leaders of this group. After the bombing, Miss. Howe testified that she had reported to her FBI superiors that members of this group were planning to blow up federal buildings, including the one in Oklahoma City. This did not fit with the FBI's story that it had no advance warning about the Murrah Building, so the agency responded by claiming that Howe was not an informant at the time she claimed to have made her reports and that she was emotionally unstable. They called her "the poster girl" for "conspiracy theorists." Then they actually charged her for committing such crimes as possession of an illegal explosive device and conspiracy to make a bomb threat. In other words, they attempted to put her in prison for doing exactly the things she was expected to do as an undercover agent. It was an incredible betrayal. Fortunately she was able to prove to a jury that every one of her claims was true and that it was the FBI that had lied on every count. Clearly, this was no longer the same FBI that operated under J. Edgar Hoover during World War II.


The terrorist cell that carried out the first bombing of the World Trade Towers on February 26, 1993, was organized by Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman. During the 1980s, Rahman had traveled throughout the Middle East calling for Jihad, or "Holy War," against the West. Consequently, he was on the State Department "watch list" of suspected terrorists who were not to be allowed into the U.S. Yet, there he was, and he had entered the country under his real name. How did that happen? It happened because, in July of 1990, the CIA intervened and gave him a visa. Then, when his visa was revoked four months later, the Immigration Service located him and, instead of expelling him from the country, granted him a work permit! That is how he was able to prepare and execute the plan that led to the first bombing of the World Trade Towers. It was the same treatment given to Takeo Yoshikawa at Pearl Harbor fifty-two years earlier.

On September 11, 2001, when the World Trade Towers again became the target of terrorism - this time using hijacked airliners - the official position of the FBI was that the government had no advance warning and that there was no way that the attack could have been prevented. Unfortunately, the facts do not support that claim. For several years prior to that, U.S. intelligence agencies were well appraised that Islamic extremists were plotting attacks against American targets, especially the World Trade Towers and government buildings in Washington, DC. It was well known that these groups were planning to use hijacked passenger airliners to deliver the blows.

One of the earliest pieces of information on that came from the Philippines as far back as 1995. The police had arrested Abdul Hakim Murad when they discovered a bomb-making factory in his Manila apartment. Investigation revealed that he was part of the Osama bin Ladin terrorist network and closely associated with the same group that, six years later, would hijack the planes that flew into the World Trade Towers. Murad confessed that he and his friends were planning an operation called "Bonjinka," which means "loud bang." Bonjinka was a plan to blow up as many as eleven airliners at the same time and fly at least some of them into landmark targets such as the World Trade Center, The TransAmerica Building in San Francisco, the Sears Tower in Chicago, and various government buildings, such as the CIA headquarters and the Pentagon. They had also planned to assassinate the Pope during his visit to Manila later that year. All of that information was turned over to U.S. intelligence agencies and also to the security service for the Vatican.

The FBI had been collecting evidence that international terrorists were attending flight schools to learn how to fly jumbo jets since at least 1995 Much of this had come from foreign governments and from professional analysis by terrorism experts. However, by 2001, the information was far more specific. It involved names, dates, and actual places. For example, two months before the fateful attack against the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, Kenneth Williams, who was a counter-terrorism agent in the Phoenix office of the FBI, requested permission from his superiors to canvass all flight schools in the U.S. to see if any of their students fit the profile of potential terrorists. His memo was approved by his supervisor and forwarded to FBI headquarters for action. Williams included with his memo an update of his investigation of eight Arabs who then were taking flight training at the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. Williams reported that one of those students had a picture of bin Ladin on his wall, while another had been in telephone contact with a known al-Qaeda supporter. In view of the flood of information about terrorists planning to use planes as bombs, Williams felt that his request was a prudent and relatively simple precaution. Incredibly, the request was turned down. The stated reason was that the Bureau did not have enough resources to implement it.


Here is another example. On August 13 of 2001 - just four weeks before the attack on 9-11, the Pan Am International Flight Academy, located in Eagan, Minnesota, called the FBI to report that one of its students was acting suspiciously. They said that Zacarias Moussaoui claimed to be from France but, when French was spoken to him, it was clear he did not know the language. He had requested Boeing-747 flight simulator training but only wanted to know how to steer the plane, not how to take off or land. He also had asked how much fuel was on board a jumbo jet and how much damage that would do if it hit anything. It was quickly determined that Moussaoui was in the country illegally, so the next day he was arrested and held for deportation.So far so good, but that is where the matter stopped. When FBI agents of the local counter-terrorism team requested permission to investigate Moussaoui's activities, their request was denied from Washington. They were also denied permission to search his computer or even his apartment. Had that been done, the agents would have discovered that he was in close contact with the terrorists who participated in the 9-11 massacre three weeks later. The chances of thwarting the plan would have been excellent.

A ccording to the January 27 issue of the Washington Post, when Moussaoui was arrested, the FBI already had a five-inch thick file on him. Much of that probably came from the French government, but that means they already knew everything about him, what his intentions were, and who his friends were. In other words, they already had the information they needed to deport him but chose not to do so until they were forced into it by the fact that the flight school had reported his bizarre behavior.

Moussaoui was not the only terrorist at that flight school. Another was Hani Hanjour, who became one of the hijackers on September 11. Officials at the school had raised questions about Hanjour's inability to speak English, the international language of aviation. When they shared this concern with the Federal Aviation Agency, instead of disqualifying Hanjour from further training, the FAA sent a representative to sit in on a class to observe him and then requested school officials to find an Arabic-speaking translator to help him with his English.

The refusal of FBI headquarters to allow local counter-terrorism agents to do their job at first baffled them and, eventually, drove them to desperation. One of them even put her career on the line by publicly blowing the whistle on her superiors. On May 21, 2002, Coleen Rowley, a Special Agent at the Minneapolis office, sent a scathing letter to the Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller, accusing him and others at FBI headquarters of gross negligence and deceit in handling the war on terrorism. In the single-spaced, thirteen-page letter, which was released to the public a few days later, she said: "The issues are fundamentally ones of INTEGRITY and go to the heart of the FBI's law enforcement mission and mandate." She said that her application for a warrant to search Moussaoui's computer had been deliberately altered by her superior in Washington so it would not pass the necessary legal review. She said that headquarters "continued to almost inexplicably throw up roadblocks and … brought up almost ridiculous questions in their apparent effort to undermine" her efforts to obtain a search warrant. She also pointed out that, after the 9-11 attack, the same FBI supervisor who was most responsible for stopping the investigation was actually promoted to a job with more responsibility.

After all this struggle on the part of local FBI agents to be allowed to investigate known and suspected terrorists in flight schools, and after continuing efforts by FBI headquarters to prevent any such investigation, FBI Director Robert Mueller faced the press on September 15, 2002, and, with a straight face, said this: "The fact that there were a number of individuals that happened to have received training at flight schools here is news, quite obviously. If we had understood that to be the case, we would have - perhaps one could have averted this."


Why did the FBI not act to prevent the bombing of the Murrah Building when it had prior information that it was being planned? Why would it betray its own agent in order to deny that such information existed? Why would the CIA make it possible for terrorists to operate freely on American soil? Why would the FBI prevent its own agents from investigating known and suspected terrorists at U.S. flight schools? None of this makes any sense unless we understand the strategy of facilitating an enemy, unless we recognize the role of war in the building of that heart's desire called collectivism, unless we understand that horrendous acts of terrorism are Fabian hammer blows to society that soften the public mind to meekly accept the expansion of government power supposedly for our protection and safety.

There are many who cannot bear the burden of this knowledge. They will prefer the reassuring analysis offered by the CFR-dominated media. They will dismiss all of this as conspiracy theory and claim that none of it is proof.

In one sense, they will be right. There is no such thing as absolute proof. There is only evidence. Proof may be defined as sufficient evidence to convince the observer that a particular hypothesis is true. The same evidence that is sufficient to convince one person may be insufficient for another. The case may be proved to the first but not to the second who still needs more evidence. The purpose of this presentation has been to introduce at least some of the evidence, hopefully enough to convince you that it is worthy of further examination.

Having doubts about evidence reminds me of a story about a man who was worried that his wife was unfaithful. He told his friend about it and said, "I have doubts, doubts, always doubts." His friend said, "Why do you have doubts?" He replied, "Well, every day she gets all dressed up, puts on perfume, leaves the house about noon and does not get back until five or sometimes six, and I do not know where she goes. I just can not help having doubts, doubts, always doubts." His friend said, "Why don't you put an end to your doubts? Why don't you follow her to see where she goes?" The husband thought about that for a moment and said, "OK, I will do it." So the next day he and his friend got together in the friend&'s car and waited down the street at the end of the block. Sure enough, at about a quarter of twelve, his wife came out of the house, all gussied up, got in her car and headed into town. They followed her at a discreet distance to a quaint restaurant. As she entered, she was greeted at the door by a handsome young man. They embraced affectionately and then went inside, hand-in-hand. The husband and his friend peered through the window of the restaurant and observed that the couple was laughing and drinking Champaign and holding hands across the table. When it was time to leave, the two men jumped back into their car and observed from a distance. The wife got into the handsome young man's car and, of course, the husband and his friend followed. Eventually, the couple pulled into a motel and checked into a room, and the two men hid in the bushes just outside. As they were looking through the window of the room, they saw the couple tenderly embrace for a long moment. Next, the woman loosened the young man's tie. Then she walked over to the window and closed the drapes. Whereupon the husband turned to his friend and said, "There you see? Doubts! Doubts! Always doubts!"


It is time now to enter the reality zone. It is time to put doubt and denial behind us. Behold the grand deception. The war on terrorism is a war on freedom. It is the final thrust to push what is left of the free world into global government based on the model of collectivism. Its purpose is to frighten us into abandoning our freedoms and traditions in exchange for protection from a hated and dangerous enemy. This ploy has been used two times before. Each time it moved us closer to the final goal, but was not sufficient to achieve it in full. This time it is expected to be the final blow.

We have allowed this to happen because we have been denied the knowledge of our own history, and so it seems that we are doomed to repeat it. But all that can be changed. In the twilight zone from which we have emerged, it is said that knowledge is power. But in the reality zone, we know that is a myth. Men with great knowledge are easily enslaved if they do nothing to defend their freedom. Knowledge by itself is not power, but it holds the potential for power if we have the courage to use it as such, and therein lies our hope for the future. If we act upon this knowledge, it is an opportunity, not just to know about history, but actually to change its course.

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"In the end more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free."
--Edward Gibbons, From "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

“Remember when it was give me freedom or give me death? Now it is save me from death and take my freedom, please.”
--Shoeless J. Traveler

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