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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Sutras d' Patanjali
Der Yoga Sutras von Patanjali

sraddha-virya-smrti-samadhi-prajna-purvaka itaresam

sraddha-virya-smrti-samadhi-prajna-purvaka itaresam
Of the others it is proceded by faith, energy, mindfulness, samadhi, and wisdom.

Les autres (qui suivent le chemin de l'effort prescrit) adoptent les moyens de la foi reverencielle, de l'energie, du souvenir repete, de la concentration et de la connaissance reelle (et ainsi atteignent l'Asamprajnata- Samadhi).

Andere erlangen Asamprajnata Samadhi durch Glauben, Energie, Erinnerung und klares Bewußt-sein.

In the case of others, they attain Asamprajnata Samadhi through faith and trust, enthusiasm and effort, recollection or constant memory of the "I-am" beyond the body and mind through contemplation, concentration, meditation and pure awarensss.

tivra-samveganam asannah

tivra-samveganam asannah
The strongly intense ones are near.

Les Yogis avec une ardeur intense atteignent rapidement la concentration et ses resultats.

Es (Samadhi, die Befreiung) wird schnell erreicht, wenn der Wunsch danach intensiv ist.

The success leading to samadhi is nearest to those, whose efforts are intense strong and sincere

mrdu-madhya-adhimatratvat tato'pi visesah

mrdu-madhya-adhimatratvat tato'pi visesah
Hence the distinctions of mild, moderate, and ardent.

En accord avec l'application des methodes, lente, moyenne, ou rapide, meme entre les Yogis qui ont une intense ardeur, existent des differences.

Der Wunsch nach Befreiung kann mäßig, mittelmäßig oder intensiv sein.

The chances of success leading to samadhi vary according to the degree of effort - mild , medium, or intensely powerful.

isvara-pranidhanad va

isvara-pranidhanad va
Or from dedication to Isvara.

Au travers aussi d'une devotion speciale a Isvara (la concentration devient imminente).

Erfolg wird von denen schnell erlangt, die Ishwara hingegeben sind.

The perfection and fullness of cosmic conciousness is attained by directing the flame of attention to Isvara, the universal "I-am", by means of self surrender.

klesa-karma-vipakasayair aparamrstah purusa-visesa isvarah

klesa-karma-vipakasayair aparamrstah purusa-visesa isvarah
Isvara is a distinct purusa untouched by afflictions, actions, fruitions, or their residue.

Isvara est un Purusha particulier, non affecte par l'affliction , l'action, resultant des actions ou des impressions latentes qui proviennent d'elles.

Ishwara ist das besondere Zentrum göttlichen Bewußtseins, das unberührt ist von Leid, Karma oder Wünschen.

God or universal conciousness is the supreme ruler and author of the universe. It is of the neature of transcendental conciousness and is untouched by the afflictions of relative life, action and its results.

tatra niratisayam sarva-jna-bijam

tatra niratisayam sarva-jna-bijam
There the seed of omnisccience is unsurpassed.

En lui, la semence de l'omniscience a atteint son developpement majeur, en n'ayant rien de plus a transcender.

In ihm liegt der Same der Allwissenheit.

In God, the reality of the universe is revealed and manifested to its point of omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence.

sa purvesam api guruh kalena anavacchedat

sa purvesam api guruh kalena anavacchedat
Due to its being unlimited by time, it is the teacher of the prior ones.

(Il est) Le professeur des premiers professeurs car avec lui n'existe pas de limite de temps (pour son omnipotence).

Unbegrenzt durch Zeit ist Er, von den ältesten Zeiten her, der Lehrer aller Lehrer.

Being beyond time and space, God is the guru of even the ancients, the guru of all gurus, and the master of all masters. He is always within the heart as the sad-guru.

tasya vacakah pranavah

tasya vacakah pranavah
Its expression is pranava (OM).

Le mot sacre qui le designe est Pranava ou la syllabe OM.

Er manifestiert sich in dem Wort Om

He is symbolically called by the name, OM. OM is the eternal vibration of all forms of energy.

taj japas tad artha-bhavanam

taj japas tad artha-bhavanam
Repetition of it and realization of its purpose [should be made].

(Les Yogis) la repetent et contemplent son signifie .

Durch die Wiederholung von OM ergeben sich erleuchtete Innenschau und die Beseitigung aller Hindernisse.

One should chant OM vocally and mentally and should focus one's falame of attention on the inner OM, the inner cosmic music, which is the music of the inner voice, the inner silence.

tatah pratyak-cetana-adhigamo'py-antaraya-abhavas-ca

tatah pratyak-cetana-adhigamo'py-antaraya-abhavas-ca
Thus inward consciousness is attained and obstacles do not arise.

De cela vient la realisation de L'Etre individuel et les obstacles sont resolus.

Durch die Wiederholung von OM ergeben sich erleuchtete Innenschau und die Beseitigung aller Hindernisse.

By repitition of OM, meditation on OM, and by listening to the innersound, one obtains the awakening of God-conciousness or integral conciousness and the destruction of all obstacles.

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