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Lecithin is already in your daily diet. You probably ingest about 1,000 mg but this is not a high enough quantity to promote brain longevity. As has been stated previously, lecithin's active ingredient, phosphatidyl choline, is the building material for acetylcholine, the primary neurotransmitter of thought and memory. Ingestion of lecithin, or phosphatidyl choline, will improve cognitive function. I prefer lecithin - it tastes better and you will smell better. Both are effective as preventative agents, not as curative agents. So, increase your daily ingestion, before pathologies arise.
Besides being the main ingredient of acetylcholine, phosphatidyl choline is used to repair and maintain neurons. In addition, it is used outside the brain in the metabolism of fats, in the regulation ofcholesterol, and in the production of the myelin sheaths that surround nerves. For maximum effect, lecithin should be taken with vitamin B5.
Phosphatidyl choline can be ingested not only by taking lecithin, but by taking choline bitartrate or choline chloride. Both can give you a 'fishy' odor and may cause diarrhea.
You can see for yourself how effective lecithin is in its treatment of fats, by putting a bit of lecithin in a pan of the fat that drips off meat, as it cooks. Mix the fat with some water, add lecithin, and you will see the fat immediately change form. Experienced cooks use this for making healthier gravies.
Lecithin is nontoxic and can be taken in very high doses, without side effects. 1500 mg supplementation should be good for a person with no significant cognitive impairment. If cognitive impairment exists, one can take 10,000 mg. If you have profound memory disorder, you should not expect lecithin to do much for you.