Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Sutras d' Patanjali
Der Yoga Sutras von Patanjali
Chapter 1 : Conciousness, Awareness
Livre 1 : Sur la Concentration
Erstes Kapitel: Theorie des Geistes
atha yoga-anusanam
Now instruction in yoga is explained.
Maintenant le Yoga va etre expose.
Nun wird Yoga erklärt.
yogas citta-vrtti-nirodhah
Yoga is the restraint of fluctuations of he mind.
Le Yoga est la suppression des modifications de la pensee.
Yoga ist jener innere Zustand, in dem die seelisch-geistigen Vorgänge zur Ruhe kommen.
Yoga is the cessation of the thinking mind: "Who am I?"
tada drastuh sva rupe'vasthanam
Then there is abiding in the seer's own form.
Alors l'observateur demeure en lui meme.
Dann ruht der Sehende in seiner Wesensidentität.
Then the witness is established in its own form, in pure Self-awareness, "I-am":"Be still and know that I am That I-AM"
avidya ksetram uttaresam prasupta-tanu-vicchina-udaranam
Ignorance is the origin of the others, whether dormant, attenuated, interrupted, or fully active.
A d'autres moments , l'observateur parait assumer la forme de la modification mentale.
Alle anderen inneren Zustände sind bestimmt durch die Identifizierung mit den seelisch-geistigen Vorgängen.
In the other states, there is an identification of "I-am", with the body and mind; that is to say, in other states, the self becomes time and space bound and always follows the movements and modifications of the mindstuff, the antah-karaana (the mind, ego, superego, and their cooperation or chittam.)
vrtti-sarupyam itarata
At other times it takes the form of the fluctuations.
Elles (les modifications) ont cinq varietes, dont certaines sont Klista et d'autres Aklista.
Es gibt fünferlei seelisch-geistige Vorgängen, (und sie sind entweder) leidvoll oder leidlos.
The modifications or movements of the mindstuff are five. They can be either a source of anguish or non-anguish, pain or pleasure, dissatidfaction or satisfaction, full of happiness or unhappiness, liking or disliking.
Valid cognition, error, conceptualization, sleep, and memory.
(Elles sont) Pramana, Viparyaya, Vikalpa, sommeil (sans reves), et souvenir.
Und zwar die folgenden: Gültiges Wissen, Irrtum, Vorstellung, Schlafbewußtsein und Erinnerung.
They are the means of right knowledge, wrong knowledge,imagination or utopic thinking, sleep and dream, and memory.
pratyaksa-anumana-agamah pramnani
Valid cognitions are perception, inference, and valid testimoy.
(De celles-ci) la Perception, l'inference et le temoignage (la communication verbale) constituent les Pramanas.
Das gültige Wissen besteht aus direkter Wahrnehmung, Schlußfolgerung und Überlieferung.
Right knowledge has three main sources: direct perception by means of the sendses and sensory organs, cognition through inference, by means of the inner senses, and the words of the awakened ones, the holy scriptures and the Vedas
viparyayo mithya-jnanam atad rupa-pratistham
Error is false knowledge, without foundation.
Viparyaya ou l'illusion est la connaissance fausse formee a partir d'un objet comme s'il fut autre.
Irrtum ist ein verkehrte Erkenntnis, die sich auf etwas gründet, was dem Wesen der Sache nicht entspricht.
Paranoia is false thinking, which does not correspond to things as they really are.
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