You have probably noticed that I constantly write the word, as F.E.A.R. Why? Because i that acronym is the definition, which is most helpful to understanding - False Expectations Appearing Real. (Incidentally, I did a search for the acronym, F.E.A.R., to see what toes I'll be stepping on and found - F.E.A.R., First Encounter Assault Recon, a sign of the times, I suppose.)
Please repeat this definition to yourself, many, many times:
False Expectations Appearing Real.
As stated in previous pages, F.E.A.R. is an absolutely necessarry emotion, needed for survival of our human species. The next time your amygdala fires up a signal to your insula, within you frontal cortex, accept it, look at it, recall the definition and ask yourself,"Is this False Expectations Appearing Real.?"
99.999% of the time the answer is yes. Ignore the signal and go about your life. Easy to say, easy to understand and for me, it took thirty years to master.
Tomorrow, I'll explain more and begin with a simple exercise. Until the repeat at every opportunity the mantra - False Expectations Appearing Real.