Basic Spinal Energy Kriya
As I have stated previously, a kriya is a process comprising of a group or string of techniques, which builds a synergistic effect. In other words, the result is greater than the indivudual parts. We began with a kirtan kriya,which increases your creatuvity, intuition and mental energy. Then we went to the pineal gland kriya, which is useful for treating mental disorders, sleep disorders (for both excessive and decreased sleep), weak memory and hot-tempered individuals and is especially effective, when combined with the breath of fire. Then we went to a kriya for increasing blood flow to the brain and enhanceing cognitive function, while stimulating proper function of the endocrine systemn.
Today, we will learn a basic spinal energy kriya, which increases spinal flexibility and enhances cerebral circulation. Spinal flexibility is crucial. Yogis often measure age in terms of spinal flexibility instead of chronology. As a metaphor, spinal flexibility represents one's ability to adapt, or to "bend without breaking." In a practical sense, spinal flexibility determines one's potential for successfully moving energy throughout the body. This kriya, done regularly, increases the amounts and strengths of the brain's alpha and theta waves.
To begin, sit comfortably on the floor with your legs crossed. Yogis call this the 'easy pose.' Or, you can sit in a chair. The most important thing is to be sure that your spine is straight.
Inhale deeply, hold the breath, exhale and relax.
During the next few minutes visualize your goals, say your affirmation, or pray. As your mind becomes still and calm, it is very receptive to your direction.
Phase 1 Stay in the easy pose, grab your ankles and inhale deeply. If you are in a chair, place your hands on your knees. Flex your spine forward and lift your chest. Then, exhale and flex your spine backward. Try to keep your head level. Do this repeatedly for one to three minutes. Each time you inhale, say the word SAT to yourself, and with each exhale say the word NAM to yourself. (Sat Nam means 'my true identity') Then, inhale, relax and focus on your breath for one minute.
Phase 2 Fold your legs under you and sit back on your heels. If you are in a chair, stay in an easy pose with the palms of your hands on your thighs. Then flex your spine forward,and inhale, as you say the word SAT to yourself. Then flex your spine backward and exhale, as you say the word NAM to yourself. Do this repeatedly for one to three minutes. Then, inhale, relax and focus on your breath for one minute.
Phase 3 Sit in the easy pose, or in a chair, and grasp your shoulders with your hands. Your fingers should be in the front and your thumbs at the back. Your elbows will be pointed outward. Inhale deeply and twist to the left, saying the word SAT to yourself. Then, exhale and twist to the left, while saying NAM to yourself. Do this for one to two minutes and then rest for one minute. As you rest, meditate with long, slow, deep breaths. Feel the energy you are creating.
Phase 4 Sit in the easy pose, or in a chair, and clench your hands together, with your fingers locked, as if you were doing an isometric exercise. Raise tour hands to the level of your heart. Then, while the hands remain in place, lift your right elbow and lower your left elbow. Create a seesaw motion. As you lift your right elbow, inhale; as you lift your left elbow, exhale. Breathe powerfully with the movement. Repeat for one to three minutes, then exhale in the center, pull your locked fingers and relax for one minute.
Phase 5 Sit in the easy pose with your legs crossed and grasp your knees. If you are in a chair, keep your hands on your knees. Keeping your elbows straight, flex your spine. Inhale, as you pull your spine forward, and exhale, as you thrust it back. Say SAT to yourself, as you inhale and NAM to yourself, as you exhale. Do this for one to two minutes and then rest for one minute, as you meditate.
Phase 6 Sit in the easy pose, or in a chair, and shrug your shoulders upward, as you inhale deeply, and downward, as you evhale. Do this for one or two minutes, then inhale and hold your breath for fifteen seconds, with your shoulders pressed upward. Then relax your shoulders and rest for one minute.
Phase 7
Sit in the easy pose, or in a chair, and roll your head slowly to the right, all the way around. Do this five times, with long, slow, deep breathing. The repeat, rolling your head to the left five times. Inhale, hold your breath, pull your neck straight, and bring the energy up. Exhale and relax for one minute.
Phase 8 Sit in the easy pose, or in a chair, and lock the fingers of your two hands, as you did in Phase 4. However, this time do it at throat level. Then raise your hands locked, above your head. Inhale and apply the root lock (tighten your genitals and your anus). Exhale and apply the root lock, as you bring your hands down to throat level. Repeat this cycle two more times, then relax for one minute.
Phase 9 Fold your legs under you and sit on your heels, or remain in your chair. If you can not sit on your heels, remain in the easy pose. Raise your arms above your head and join your hands, with your two index fingers pointing towards the sky and the rest of your fingers locked together. Chant SAT aloud, as you pull in your abdomen. Then chant NAM
as you relax. Continue this for one to three minutes. Force your concentration upward. Let the breath come on its own, naturally. Then, inhale deeply, and apply the great lock, as you squeeze energy and blood from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Hold your breath for fifteen seconds, exhale, and slowly sweep your hands down.
After the entire spinal energy kriya, relax on your back, legs apart, with your eyes closed, for five minutes. Place you arms at forty-five degree angles from your body, palms up. Cover yourself with a blanket, stay warm and breathe deeply.