Hints to aid successful Meditation
Here are twelve useful suggestions:
- Establish a routine. Having a time of the day set aside for meditation helps in maintaining regularity.
- Most meditators find one or two sessions a day to be beneficial. It is recommended that no more than two half hour sessions a day be practised.
- Select a quiet location. Turn off electronic pagers, mobile cell phones and any other potential distractions.
- Sit with your spine straight in a comfortable chair, or lie on the floor keeping your spine straight and with a comfortable pillow
beneath your head.
- Gentle instrumental music, with or without meditation voice prompts, can be helpful.
- The use of essential oils and a vaporizer can create a positive ambience for meditation.
- Meditate before a meal, not after. If necessary, empty your bladder before commencing your meditation.
- Loosen any tight clothing. Remove tight shoes. Remove spectacles.
- Because meditation can slow down the pulse rate and metabolic rate some meditators experience cold extremities. A light blanket can overcome this discomfort.
- At the end of a meditation sit quietly for a couple of minutes to avoid light-headedness or a dizzy spell.
- Never meditate while driving a motor vehicle or when undertaking any task requiring concentration.
- Meditation is not intended as a replacement for medical care. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified doctor.