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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Sutras d' Patanjali
Der Yoga Sutras von Patanjali

parama-anu-parama-mahattva-anto'sya vasikarah

parama-anu-parama-mahattva-anto'sya vasikarah
Mastery of it [extends] from the smallest to the greatest.

Quand la pensee developpe le pouvoir de se stabiliser dans les objets de moindre grandeur, ainsi que dans les objets plus grands, alors la pensee est sous controle.

So dehnt sich die Meisterschaft eines Yogi vom kleinsten Atom bis zur Unendlichkeit aus.

The yogi's mastery extends from the finest atom to the greatest infinity... prakriti.

Kshîna-vritter abhijâtasyeva maner grahîtri-grahana-grâhyeshu tatstha-tadanjanatâ samâpattih

Kshîna-vritter abhijâtasyeva maner grahîtri-grahana-grâhyeshu tatstha-tadanjanatâ samâpattih
[The accomplished mind] of diminished fluctuations, like a precious (or clear) jewel assuming the color of any near object, has unity among grasper, grasping, and grasped.

Quand les fluctuations de la pensee sont affaiblies, la pensee parait prendre les formes de l'objet de la meditation - soit qu'il soit celui qui connait (Grahita), soit qu'il soit l'instrument de cognition (Grahana) ou l'objet connu (Grahya) - comme un bijou transparent, et cette identification est appelee Samapatti ou absorption.

Für einen Menschen, der die Vrittis durch Meditation kontrolliert hat, verschmelzen der Wahrneh-mende, das Wahrgenommene und die Wahrnehmung, so wie ein Kristall die Farbe des Hinter-grundes annimmt.

When the mind is free from fluctuations, it becomes naturally still and under control. That mind becomes clear, like crystal, and reflects equally without distortion the perciever or knower, the means or mechanism of perception and the object of perception, the objective world of knowable objects.

Tatra shabdârtha-jnâna-vikalpaih samkîrnâ savitarkâ

Tatra shabdârtha-jnâna-vikalpaih samkîrnâ savitarkâ
Svatikara unity is the commingling by conceptualization of word, purpose, and knowledge.

L'absorption dans laquelle il existe une confusion entre le mot, son signifie (c'est a dire l'objet) et sa connaissance, est connue comme Savitarka Samapatti.

Savitarka Samadhi ist jener Zustand, in dem der Geist zwischen auf Worten beruhendem Wissen, wahrem Wissen und Wissen, das auf Sinneswahrnehmung oder Denken gegründet ist, abwechselt.

Savitarka Samapatti is the samadhi, in which one obtains knowledge of the gross objects of the universe by means of the mixture of word, meaning and feeling, together.

Smriti-parishuddhau svarûpa-shûnyevârtha-mâtra-nirbhâsâ nirvitarkâ

Smriti-parishuddhau svarûpa-shûnyevârtha-mâtra-nirbhâsâ nirvitarkâ
Nirvitarka is when memory is purified, as if emptied of its own form, and the object alone shines forth.

Quand la memoire est purifiee, la pensee semble etre depourvue de sa propre nature (c'est a dire, de la conscience reflective) et seul l'objet (celui qui est contemple) parait illumine. Ce type d'absorption est appele Nirvitarka Samapatti.

Nirvitarka Samadhi ist der Zustand, in dem die Erinnerung geläutert wird und der Geist, bar der Subjektivität, wahres Wissen reflektiert.

Nirvitarka Samadhi is experienced when memory is purified and the mind is able to see the true nature of gross objects of the universe, as they are directly, without distortion, without the mixture of words and meaning.

Etayaiva savichârâ nirvichârâ cha sûkshmavishayâ vyâkhyâtâ

Etayaiva savichârâ nirvichârâ cha sûkshmavishayâ vyâkhyâtâ
Similarly explained are sarvicara and nirvicara which are subtle conditions.

Au travers de cela (de ce qui fut dit) les absorptions Savichara et Nirvichara, dont les objets sont des sutis, sont aussi expliquees.

Durch dies, was in den vorhergehenden zwei Sutras erklärt wurde, ist Samadhi mit Fragestellung, Samadhi ohne Fragestellung und das, was noch subtiler ist, erklärt.

The explanations given for savitarka and nirvitarka saadhi also explain the higher states of samadhi, but, in those states, the objects of meditation are in more subtle form. When one knows the subtle objects of the universe, by mixture of words, meaning and feeling, then it is called savicara samadhi, and, when one knows subtle objects without the mixture of word, meaning and feeling, then it is nirvicara samadhi.

Sûkshma-vishayatvam châlinga-paryavasânam

Sûkshma-vishayatvam châlinga-paryavasânam
And the subtle condition terminates in the undesignated.

La subtilite appartenant aux objets, culmine dans le A-linga - L'immanifeste.

Der Zustand des Samadhi, der sich mit subtilen Objekten beschäftigt, dehnt sich so weit aus wie der unmanifestierte Zustand.

The province of field of samadhi that is connected with these finer objects extends beyond the manifestation of the gunas, up to the formless state of subtle energies, up to prokriti, or Supreme Nature.

Tâ eva sabîjah samâdhih

Tâ eva sabîjah samâdhih
These are samadhi with seed.

Ceux-ci sont les uniques types de la concentration objective.

Alle diese bilden Meditation mit Samen.

The samadhis that result from meditation on an object (groos or subtle) are samadhis with seed and do not give freedom from the cycle of rebirth. They are called samapatti, meaning the state of equilibrium of the mind.

Nirvichâra–vaishâradye ’dhyâtma–prasâdah

Nirvichâra–vaishâradye ’dhyâtma–prasâdah
In skill with nirvicara, clarity of authentic self arises.

En gagnant de la maitrise en Nirvichara, la purete dans les instruments internes de la cognition est developpee.

Erreicht man äußerste Reinheit im Samadhi ohne Fragestellung, dämmert Erleuchtung.

On obtaining the utmost purity of the individual psyche by meditating through the stages of samadhi, there is a kindling of spiritual light and spiritual bliss, by divine grace.

Ritambharâ tatra prajnâ

Ritambharâ tatra prajnâ
There the wisdom is rtam-bearing (or truth-bearing).

La connaissance gagnee dans cet etat est appelee Rtambhara (remplie de verite).

Das Wissen, das in diesem Zustand erlangt wird, ist absolute Wahrheit.

In nirvicara samadhi, mental conciosness is filled with natural truth, intuitive knowledge, direct feeling and knowing, the spontaneous pulsation of light.

Shrutânumâna-prajnâbhyâm anya-vishayâ visheshârthatvât

Shrutânumâna-prajnâbhyâm anya-vishayâ visheshârthatvât
Its condition is different from heard or inferred knowledge because of its distinct purpose.

(Cette connaissance) est differente de celle derivee du temoignage ou de l'inference, parce qu'elle est relative a des particularites (des objets ).

Wissen, das aus Folgerung und Zeugnis erlangt wurde, ist dem Wissen, das in höheren Zuständen des Bewußtseins erlangt wurde nicht gleich, denn es ist auf ein bestimmtes Objekt gerichtet.

In the state of nirvicara samadhi an object is experienced in its full perspective, because in this state, knowledge is gained by direct perception, beyond the use of the senses and mental logic.

Taj-jah samskâro ’nya-samskâra-prati-bandhî

Taj-jah samskâro ’nya-samskâra-prati-bandhî
The samskara born of it obstructs other samskaras.

L'impression latente nee d'une telle connaissance est opposee a la formation d'autres impressions latentes.

Das Resultat dieses Wissens ist, daß diese Samskaras alle anderen ersetzen.

The perception gained transcends all normal perception, both in intensity and extant.

Tasyâpi nirodhe sarva-nirodhân nirbîjah samâdhih

Tasyâpi nirodhe sarva-nirodhân nirbîjah samâdhih
With even that restricted, everything is restricted and that is seedless samadhi.

Par la restriction de cela aussi (a cause de l'elimination des impressions latentes de Samprajnana) la concentration arrive sans-objet, au travers de la suppression de toutes les modifications.

Wird auch dieses gezügelt, tritt man in den samenlosen Zustand des Samadhi ein.

With this controlling of all other controls is also transcended. Then, without any effort, the mind becomes naturally calm and cosmic. The seedless samadhi is attained and, with it, freedom from birth and death: "Be still and know I am That I-AM." This is not a mental approach. Here the mind is over.

Iti prathamah padah

Iti prathamah padah
Here ends the first chapter on concentration, contemplation, meditation, and samadhi.

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