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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Sutras d' Patanjali
Der Yoga Sutras von Patanjali

Ahimsâ-satyâsteya-brahamacharyâparigrahâ yamah

Ahimsâ-satyâsteya-brahamacharyâparigrahâ yamah
Ahimsa (non-injury), Satya (truth), Asteya (abstention from stealing), Brahmacharya (continence) and Aparigraha (abstinence from avariciousness) are the five Yamas (forms of restraint).

Ahimsa (la non violence), Satya (la vérité), Astya (l'abstention de vol), Brahmacharya (la continence), et Aparigraha (l'abstinence d'avarice) sont les cinq Yamas (formes de restriction)

Die Yamas bestehen aus Nichtverletzen, Wahrhaftigkeit, Nichtstehelen, Enthaltsamkeit und Auf-gabe von Gewinnsucht.

Non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing nature, continence, non-possessiveness fo the mind, are the yamas and constitute the first step in the practice of Yoga.

By practicing these five yamas, one develops gigantic willpower. Mahatma Gandhi shook the entire British Empire by means of only two yamas, non-violence and truthfulness.

Jâti-desha-kâla-samayânavachchhinnâh sârvabhaumâ mahâ-vratam

Jâti-desha-kâla-samayânavachchhinnâh sârvabhaumâ mahâ-vratam
These (the restraints), however, become a great vow when they become universal, being unrestricted by any consideration of class, place, time or concept of duty.

Elles (les restrictions) pourtant, sont un grand voeu quand elles deviennent universelles, n'étant pas restreintes à une quelconque considération de classe, de lieu, de temps ou de concept de devoir.

Diese Enthaltungen sind nicht durch soziale Struktur, Ort, Zeit oder Umstände begrenzt, und sie bil-den das große universelle Gelübde.

These five yamas, o vows, are not conditioned or limited by species, class, place, time, or occasion, and they extend to all the satges of life.

Shaucha-samtosha-tapah-swâdhyâyeshwara-pranidhânâni niyamâh

Shaucha-samtosha-tapah-swâdhyâyeshwara-pranidhânâni niyamâh
Cleanliness, contentment, austerity (mental and physical discipline), Svadhyaya (study of scriptures and chanting of Mantras) and devotion to God are the Niyamas (observances).

La pureté, le contentement, l'austérité, (discipline mentale et physique), svadhyaya (l'étude des écritures et la récitation des Mantras) et la dévotion à Isvara sont les Niyamas (les observances ).

Die Nyamas bestehen aus Reinheit, Zufriedenheit, Selbstzucht, Selbststudium und Selbsthingabe.

Niyama means transformation, the way or means of application. The five niyamas are: internal and external purity, contentment, self-discipline and austerity, self-study, and self-surrender to God. They are laws to be observed and are the second step of Yoga.


When these restraints and observances are inhibited by perverse thoughts, the opposites should be thought of.

Quand ces restrictions et ces observances sont inhibées par des pensées perverses, l'oppose doit être pensé.

Stören negative oder schädliche Gedanken den Geist, können sie durch ständiges Nachdenken über deren Gegensätze überwunden werden.

When the mind is disturbed by wrong and improper thoughts, one should ponder on the opposite constructive thoughts. This is an example of sublimation.

Vitarkâ himsâdayah krita-kâritânumoditâ lobha-krodha-mohapûrvakâ mridu-madhyâdhimâtrâ duhkhâjnânânta-phalâ iti pratipaksha-bhâvanam

Vitarkâ himsâdayah krita-kâritânumoditâ lobha-krodha-mohapûrvakâ mridu-madhyâdhimâtrâ duhkhâjnânânta-phalâ iti pratipaksha-bhâvanam
Actions arising out of perverse thoughts like injury etc. are either performed by oneself, got done by another or approved ; performed either through anger, greed or delusion; and can be mild, moderate or intense. That they are the causes of infinite misery and unending ignorance is the contrary thought.

Les actions qui proviennent des pensées perverses, comme l'injure etc., sont réalisées par la propre personne, par quelqu'un d'autre ou approuvées; elles sont réalisées tant par la colère, que par la cupidité ou par la désillusion; elles peuvent être faibles, modérées ou intenses. Savoir qu'elles sont causées par une misère et une ignorance infinies, est une pensée - contraire.

Negative Gedanken und Emotionen wie Gewalt, ob verübt, begünstigt, oder durch Gier, Ärger oder Täuschung verursacht, und ob mild, mittelmäßig oder in starker Intensität gegenwärtig, resul-tieren in endlosem Schmerz und Unwissenheit. Deshalb muß über das Gegenteil nachgedacht werden.

To keep the mind in perfect balance and the psychosomatic conciousness free from destructive desires and thoughts, it is necessary to ponder on the opposite thoughts, since wrong thoughts, emotions and actions result in ignorance and intensive misery, whether these thoughts be acted, performed, caused, or approved through greed anger, delusion, or confusion, in mild, medium, or intensive degree.

Therefore, to avoid the injurious consequences, one should practice sublimation, in the form of non-vioilence, truthfulness, non-stealing, Self-abidance and continence, and non-possessiveness of the mind.

Ahimsâ-pratishthâyâam tat-samnidhau vaira-tyâgah

Ahimsâ-pratishthâyâam tat-samnidhau vaira-tyâgah
As the Yogin becomes established in non-injury, all beings coming near him (the Yogin) cease to be hostile.

A mesure que le yogi s,établit dans la non - injure, tous les êtres qui s'approchent (du Yogi) cessent d'être hostiles.

Wenn Gewaltlosigkeit fest begründet ist, verschwindet Feindschaft in der Gegenwart des Yogis.

When the Yogi is firmly established in physical, mental,vocal, and spiritual non-violence, there is abandonment of enmity, by those who are in his or her presence.

Satya-pratishthâyâm kriyâ-phalâshrayatvam

Satya-pratishthâyâm kriyâ-phalâshrayatvam
When truthfulness is achieved, the words (of the Yogin) acquire the power of making them fruitful.

Quand la manière d,être est véritable, les mots (du yogi ) acquièrent le pouvoir de fructifier.

Wenn Satya, Wahrhaftigkeit, fest begründet ist, erlangt der Yogi das Ergebnis der Handlung ohne zu handeln.

When the Yogi is firmly established in truthfulness, which is the basic foundation for success in all actions and transformations, he or she obtains the fruits of all actions without effort.

Asteya-pratishthâyâm sarva-ratnopasthânam

Asteya-pratishthâyâm sarva-ratnopasthânam
When non-stealing is established, all jewels present themselves (to the Yogin).

Quand le non - vol est établi, tous les joyaux se présentent (au yogi).

Wenn Nichtstehlen fest begründet wird, kommt aller Reichtum zu dem Yogi.

When the yogi is firmly established in honesty, the gems of inner riches present themselves.

Brahmacharya-pratishthâyâm vîrya-lâbhah

Brahmacharya-pratishthâyâm vîrya-lâbhah
When continence is established, Virya is acquired.

Quand la continence est établie, Virya est acquise.

Wenn Brahmacharya, sexuelle Enthaltsamkeit, fest begründet ist, wird kraftvolle Vitalität erlangt.

When the Yogi is firmly established in abidance in the "I-am", the Self, spiritual strength, continence, and vigor are obtained.

Aparigraha-sthairye janma-kathamtâ-sambodhah

Aparigraha-sthairye janma-kathamtâ-sambodhah
On attaining perfection in non-acceptance, knowledge of past and future existences arises.

En atteignant la perfection dans les Yamas , advient la connaissance de l'existence passée et future.

Ist Abwesenheit von Gewinnsucht fest begründet, wird Verständnis für den Sinn der Geburt er-langt.

When the Yogi is firmly established in non-possessiveness, there arises knowledge of past, present, and future incarnations, as well as knowledge of the 'how' and 'why' of existence.

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