Clean your blood to clear your head.
The problem with these "less lardy" polyunsaturated fats is that they oxidize even faster than saturated and are more quickly turned into free radicals. You have probably noticed that polyunsaturated oils left out of your refrigerator go rancid in a few hours. Examples are safflower, sunflower, corn and soybean oils.
The least harmful fats are those that are mostly monounsaturated. Because they have fewer hydrogen bonds, they are more chemically stable and don't become free radicals as quicly as polyunsaturated fats.
Monounsaturated fats have several positive qualities. They help keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. They increase the efficiency of HDL cholesterol (high density lipoprotein). And, they boost Vitamin E' ability to protect against free radicals.
Below is a list of unsaturated fats, ranked from best to worst. Also noted is the percentage of polyunsaturated fat in each.
- Macadamia nut oil (3%)
- Extra virgin olive oil (8%)
- Flaxseed oil (16%)
- Canola oil (22%)
- Peanut oil (33%)
- Sesame seed oil (41%)
- Walnut oil (51%)
- Soybean oil (54%)
- Corn oil (61%)
- Sunflower oil (69%)
- Grape seed oil (72%)
- Safflower oil (77%)
Fat use in your body is a very complicated subject. Also involved in your selection of what fats to ingest are the chemical constituents of the fat. The growing conditions of the source of the oil, the processing and storage of the oils and also the oils specific reactions to heat.
For now simply be aware that Mediterranean countries, where olive oil is the primary form of ingested fat, have much lower rates of cardiovascular and brain disease than the US.
In our house, margarine is not present, butter, which is made from the milk of local grass fed cows is consumed at less than a pound per year. Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil replaces butter and margarine. For salads, we use sunflower, linseed and cold pressed sesame oils. For cooking, we use grape seed oil, which has a very high resistance to heat.
You need to clean your blood to clear your head. Keep fat consumption down to 15% of caloric consumption, which will be about 50 grams of fat each day, and you will naturally slim the waistline.