Daily Life
If we could live forever in this passive resignation, in this state of complete submission to circumstances, there would have been no need of philosophers or yogis. An Aristotle, a Vivekananda or a Nietzsche would have nothing to say. We would be no better than the plants and the animals; there would be nothing human about us!
Fortunately for us, there comes a time in our lives when we realize that there is more to life than food, sleep, work. What is “this something more” is a question that each of us tackles in our own way. Everyone has a different answer! This daily blog is an attempt to bring together different answers . It is an endeavour to try and observe and understand life from another perspective. It seeks to answer questions regarding:
1) Man: “Who am I?” “Why do I exist?” “Where am I heading?”2) Life: “What is life? Its beginning, its end, its purpose”
3) God: “Who is He?” “Is He the end, the goal?” “Is He the help?”
Fundamental questions, the answers to which can not be found in a book or provided from outside of yourself. These are answers that have to be discovered in life. On our quest to attain these truths, we realize that behind the surface life of everyday there is another more meaningful life. A life that is far more fulfilling. A life with a purpose. A life worth living!