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Do you like the new "look"? If you do not know the old look, click around. With more than 1200 pages, I probably missed a few. If you find some old look pages, please tell me. It has been an effort to convert but in the process I found pages that never got put on the sever - a bonus !

Since the content evokes such heavy thought and emotions in some people, I wanted the presentation to be a bit lighter. Also, with the previous navigation scheme, I had run out of screen and could not add new sections to the nav. I enjoy writing; it is good for me. But, web site navigation, by its very nature, is hierarchal and I, by my very nature, have always stubbornly resisted hierarchies, unless, of course, I am on top.

Though I do prefer to ponder the meaning of life, I, also, wear too many hats, it seems. I function as webmaster and resident philosopher for, am the secretary general of a human rights NGO, Groupe Thémis, based in Geneva, and head a human development organisation, called HAHAHA, which is the acronym for Health, Abundance, Happiness and Harmony Always... all, while living in rural France and learning to grow my own food.(As the French philosopher, Voltaire, recommends in "Candide.")

Keeping body, mind and spirit in balance is sometimes a challenge, while tending to all roles. There are some built in conflicts.

At one time, I directed much energy toward leading seminars and I stopped for several reasons (If you are curious, go here ). At the time, my human rights activities needed attention 24/7, because I undertook a project to stir up grassroots interest in the UN Conference Against Racism, Xenophobia, and Intolerance, by paddling my kayak from Geneva to Durban, South Africa. Obviously, it was impossible to manage a web site and lead seminars, from a kayak off the West coast of Africa.

Lately, I have realised that I am out of balance, once again. I have absorbed too much negativity, by getting too focused on the atrocities caused by some countries. I have decided to focus more energy towards HAHAHA and less to saving the world. My good friend, Krishnamurti, always taught that in order to save humanity, one must save one's self. Every morning I post Krishnamurti's thoughts.

I am convinced that my seminars can be just as, if not more, beneficial, for humanity. The subject is, of course health, abundance, happiness and harmony always, which is my definition of wealth. The current incarnation is called the Science of Becoming .... It is based upon ancient wisdom and is in tune with all natural laws.

I am seeking people, who, after reading through this site, may be interested in promoting HAHAHA workshops, in their country.

Any questions??